I am always buying Midgets and Sprites and although known for fully restored cars, I will buy unfinished restorations and cars needing restoration. Please email me with as many details and photos as possible, add your contact details and I’ll come back to you as soon as possible, If preferred simply phone me and we can chat.
Commission Sales – I also sell cars on behalf of customers who don’t want the hassle of buyers turning up at their homes and wanting to closely inspect then don’t buy. We have all been messed about by buyers who don’t turn up or do what they say. My commission sales service is very popular, I have fully comprehensive Insurance for test drives and a four post lift for inspection underneath the cars.
My usual commission is 10% plus vat on a successful sale, (no sale, no fee). I also give one months free storage in my workshop. Then I do have to charge.

Left hand drive midgets especially wanted!